PICK ME is back

Depois das férias, e  com tantos casos novos para dar a conhecer, queria começar esta nova temporada do Pick me, com uma mensagem de motivação, que pudesse de alguma maneira ajudar a melhorar a vida profissional de todos.

Encontrei este vídeo no youtube, que não podia deixar de partilhar. A mensagem diz tudo, espero que gostem!

Have you ever felt, that  you are supposed to do something special, amazing, important and outstanding, that only you can do, and you were destined for greatness?!

Remember when you thought anything was possible? IT IS!

There will be moments in your life, when an opportunity is presented to you to do something brilliant, extraordinary and remarkable that fits your talents, abilities and experiences changing your life forever.

As difficult  frustrating and fearful as these times are, they also bring change!

We do face an uncertain and unsettling future, but not one without vision, hope, opportunity. So what are you going to do?

For what might be your finest hour to make your mark, make a difference, leave your legacy, by choice not chance. Innovate, create, build your future, be your own boss, have financial security and confidence.

Reach out, look inward, step forward, remember there is no chance, no fate, no destiny, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of  the humam soul.

So don´t squander even one more day! Don´t settle for less, when the world has made it so easy to be remarkable.

Do something that matters, and do what you do with all your heart.

Might, mind and strength embrace your future, with an enthusiastic welcome!

Build a business, be a leader. Make your city, country, the world a better place!


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